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29 Apr 2015

Is Our God nine cm..?

Reading the post title, I'm sure most of us already understand and know what’s the intention behind the words God 9 cm? Well that's something we call a cigarette. Why Could they be called god 9 cm? We know the size of cigarettes no more than 9 cm, small indeed but people who are addicted to smoking is very difficult for him to leave or stop for a moment, sadly we hear from some people, saying "no day without a cigarette".

Whereas the Indonesian Ministry of Health had also issued a warning about the dangers of cigarettes and smoking, they concluded that most mortality year are caused by smoking. So, they made pictures or slogans that offend cigarette. Like, "Cigarettes kill" accompanied by terrible pictures. Such as image of Black lungs caused by cigarettes. But, why are there still many people who love cigarettes? Are they not aware of the dangers that can be caused by this cigarette? In fact, we often encounter a warning about the dangers of cigarettes displayed clearly on the road side or in the newspaper, both published on television and in the newspapers?

The following is a brief review of the content, hazards, and how Islam response towards cigarettes.


As we know that cigarettes contain a variety of deadly poison. Such as nicotine, tar, hydrogen cyanide, and other chemical substances that are harmful.

These are some toxins contained in cigarettes. In fact, some says the dangers of smoking: "In khamr (Liquor), there are about 14 deadly poison, which is not allowed in islam,  while in the cigarette, there are about 4000 of deadly poison." But there are still many smokers who are not yet aware of this danger.


Each act done by someone must have an impact on himself. like people who smoke, even though he enjoy’s the cigarette, he’s was not aware that he had pushed himself to the brink of death.

Allah ta'ala says:

ولا تقتلوا أنفسكم

"And do not you kill yourself." (QS. An-Nisa ': 29)

It’s already familiar to us that cigarettes contain a variety of deadly poison and cause various diseases. So don’t be surprised if there is a slogan printed on cigarette packs, "Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, asthma, impotence, and disturbance in pregnancy and the fetus." Imagine! How horrible these diseases if all of it goes into the body of a person. And what if he already intected, then comes the effect of the offense, because he has violated the statutes and agreements of doctors.

REVIEW BY islam wondering about

Maybe we are wonder, why the subtitle above about smoking in reviews of islamy, But smoking is never known in the days of the Prophet of Allaah alaihi wa salam. We need to know that smoking is a custom infidels which now many of the Muslims who are actually preserving the customs. In fact, the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa salam had said:

من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم

"Whoever imitates a people then he is among those."

So we can conclude that anyone who smokes then he has to imitate him unbelievers who do not know the religion.

The scholars agreed (ulama) that smoking is haraam (not allowed). Because is asin, Allah Ta'ala says:

يأمرهم بالمعروف وينهاهم عن المنكر ويحل لهم الطيبات ويحرم عليهم الخبائث

"He (Muhammad) who told them to do good and forbid them from doing unjust and justifies them what is good and forbid what is bad." (Surah Al-Maidah: 4)

And cigarettes including Al Khobits (something bad) referred to the paragraph above. And everything intoxicating is forbidden. Can we see how lazy smokers are intoxicated by the bad things. So no one if their days filled with smoke cigarettes and they can not leave it.

We have seen how the inside outs of cigarettes from its contents, substances contained in it caused by it. And the most obvious effects of smoking, has been plastered on packs of cigarettes themselves are the words "Smoking kill".

Allah ta'ala says:

ولا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة

"And do not put self-yourself into the abyss of destruction." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 195)

In the above verse, Allah ordered his servants us not to plunge them selves into the abyss of destruction. Smoking is one of the things that can plunge a person into destruction. Because, the more a person smokes, the greater the chance he will be infected with a disease that will kill him.

And if hit the mind of a smoker, how much money he spends on cigarettes in a day? Perhaps could reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. It is a waste of money.

Allah Ta'ala has said:

ولا تبذر تبذيرا

"And do not squander your wealth wastefully." (QS. Al-Isra ': 26)

It would be nice if the money is used to donate people in need.

VIEWS public evaluation

It was obvious to us all madharat (dangers) of cigarettes and health law review. In fact, people who smoke passively more likely to get infected the disease by than current smokers. And this is a kedhaliman. In fact, God has forbidden these sin.

The Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa salam said in a hadith Qudsi, that Allah Ta'ala says:

يا عبادي إني حرمت الظلم على نفسي وجعلت بينكم محرما فلا تظالموا

"O my servants! Indeed, I have forbidden to me kedhaliman and I have made (kedhaliman) forbidden upon you all. So, don’t you do dhalim each other. "(HR. Muslim)

And the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa salam also been said in the hadith:

لا ضرر و لا ضرار

"It should not be made kemudharatan and should not retaliate with kemudharatan." (HR. Ibn Majah and Al-Daraqutni)

So let's look at today's reality. How so freely smokers exhale cigarette smoke wherever they are, such as in public transport and other public places. Are they not aware that cigarettes can harm the health of the people around him? So this includes large kedhaliman Allah ta'ala forbade.


From here, it is clear to us all that smoking is haram. Since smoking kills slowly toward the smokers themselves.

Hopefully this article can be a whip for those who still smoke cigarettes and leave the bad deeds. May Allah keep us all from these cigarettes and give keistiqomahan for those who have tried to leave the cigarette and carefully open
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